

Create a static web site for viewing/searching the CTST Points Registry.

The web site files are contained in the www directory.

The www directory contains static files (html, css, etc.), as well as a www/data directory.

The wwww/data directory contains json index files for competitor, event, and point rankings, as well as individual html files with the details of each competitor, event, and points year.

To create the web site data files in www/data, run the Python script, create_www_data.py (requires Python 3).

The script requires the pandas and numPy libraries to be installed.

The script must be run from the project’s generate_website directory. This directory’s parent directory must contain a sub-directory, db_tables_MASTER, that contains the database CSV files.

Hint: Before re-generating the static web site, delete all existing files in the www/data/ sub-directory.

Hint: If using Visual Studio Code, open the generate_website directory (not the project directory or www directory), then open the file: create_www_data.py, install recommended VSCode Python extensions, create a virtual environment (Ctrl+Shift+P then ‘Python: Create Environment…’ then specify to create a venv environment using the requirements.txt file). Then execute the Python script.

The files in the www directory can then be copied to the web root of the production web site, or deployed to run on GitHub Pages