
Archived CTST Documents

Archived documents from the legacy CTST web site up to January, 2020, plus documents for all subsequent CTST events:

Note that all these documents were created by the CTST from the information provided to the CTST by each Event Director. None of these CTST documents themselves constitute the “official” contest scores, and there may be errors/omissions therein.

For the legacy CTST points data (up to January, 2020), the only documents actually used to generate the new CTST Points Database were the Points Registry documents in the archived_points_registry folder (two PDF files, one each for men’s and women’s points).

For subsequent (post-2020) events, the CTST Points data are derived from competition entry lists and results for the indivdual Events. The Event Results folder contains documents used to derive Points Registry data for these events.